Saddam would continue to inspire Sunni Arabs to not only oppose the US but also other governments that are perceived to be US puppets.
Suicide bombers killed 12, including a US soldier, as the UN edged closer to a resolution on Iraq.
The incident occured when thousands of Shias marching across a bridge in a religious procession heard rumours that a suicide bomber was about to attack, triggering a stampede.
The grotesque irony is that while Hussein was hanged for killing 148 people, the leaders of the US and its allies won't be tried for killing half-a-million Iraqi children through the post-1991 sanctions, nor for the death of 655,000 Iraqi civilians.
'To get control over world affairs Americans need to fight many wars. But American soldiers are not ready to die,' says the Iraqi ambassador.
'A psychological moment will be created when the Kashmiris will say they can't live with either India or Pakistan. At that time, America will step in and suggest a democratic solution to Kashmir,' former ISI chief Hamid Gul tells Sheela Bhatt.
'America's survival depends on war. It requires the control of Iraq to inject new blood in its ailing economy,' Salah Al-Mukhtar, Iraq's ambassador to India.
'The fear the USA must have is that the Iraqi armed forces could turn Saddam Hussein's eventual overthrow into the final act of a martyred hero for a future Arab revolution,' says security and terrorism expert Richard M Bennett.